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Integrate Kisi with Smartalock locks

Smartalock is a modern electronic lock system designed to make storage furniture intelligent.


This is a Kisi-built integration, maintained and supported by Kisi.


  • Kisi organization administrator rights
  • Smartalock system

Set up the Smartalock integration

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Under Settings, select Integrations and click Add Integration
  3. Define the name of your new Smartalock integation
  4. Open the Type dropdown and select Smartalock
  5. Next, enter the Smartalock API token and the Smartalock API URL you obtained before
  6. Open the Search place dropdown and select the place where you want to add the integration
  7. Enable the integration
  8. Click Add

Once created, the integration also has to be set up in the reverse direction in the Smartalock interface.