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Third-party RFID credentials

With Kisi, you have the flexibility to utilize low-frequency RFID credentials seamlessly with your current legacy readers and keypad (pinpad) readers.


A Wiegand reader that supports NFC will be compatible with Kisi, provided it is Wiegand-based. This setup allows the NFC card to be converted into a Wiegand UID, making it appear as a low-frequency third-party credential within the Kisi system.

Although Kisi can work with all low-frequency RFID (125 kHz) card types, only the card formats listed below can be imported in bulk at the moment. It's essential to note that even though some types of RFID cards (such as HID) also exist as high-frequency (13.56 MHz) cards, they may not comply with NFC standards and are thus unsupported by Kisi.

  • C15001 KeyScan (36-bit card, 125 kHz)
  • EM410x/TK410x (for 26-bit readers, 125 kHz) (Supported by the Kisi Reader Pro 2.1 and later models only)
  • EM410x/TK410x (for 32/34-bit readers, 125 kHz) (Supported by the Kisi Reader Pro 2.1 and later models only)
  • HID H10301 (26-bit card, 125 kHz)
  • HID H10302 (37-bit card, 125 kHz)
  • HID H10304 (37-bit card, 125 kHz)
  • HID D10202 (33-bit card, 125 kHz) (Supported by the Kisi Reader Pro 2.1 and later models only)
  • HID C1k35s (35-bit card) (125 kHz) (Can be assigned to Kisi only via the unique card ID (UID))

To determine which Kisi hardware is compatible with the aforementioned card types, please refer to our card compatibility guide.

Assigning low-frequency RFID cards to work with Kisi

Kisi organization administrators can choose between multiple methods to assign third-party low-frequency RFID credentials to work with Kisi. The method used depends on whether they prefer manual assignment or bulk importing.

Manual assignment

Depending on the RFID card type, you must enter different value points: facility code, card code, card ID, OEM, etc.

The following low-frequency RFID credentials can be scanned at a Kisi Reader 2.0 and 2.1:

  • HID H10301 (26-bit card, 125 kHz)
  • HID H10302 (37-bit card, 125 kHz)
  • HID H10304 (37-bit card, 125 kHz)

The following low-frequency RFID credentials can be scanned at a Kisi Reader 2.1 only:

  • EM410x/TK410x (for 26-bit readers, 125 kHz)
  • EM410x/TK410x (for 32/34-bit readers, 125 kHz)
  • HID D10202 (33-bit card, 125 kHz)

You can enroll any third-party low-frequency RFID credential at a Wiegand reader, as long as the Wiegand reader supports the credential type.

Bulk importing

You can bulk import all the above mentioned third-party low-frequency RFID credential types. After you have imported your users into Kisi, choose the CSV template that corresponds to the type of credential you want to enroll and download it. Fill in the necessary information in the required fields, using our CSV format guide below. It's essential to have a separate CSV file for each type of card. Save your CSV file or files with the following naming convention: credential_type_organization_name. Finally, send the saved CSV file or files to your Kisi point of contact.

CSV format guide for bulk importing RFID credentials

Based on which low-frequency RFID card format you want to import into Kisi, you need to add different values to the CSV file. Fill out only the required fields and leave the rest empty.

Card formatemailoemfacility_codecard_numbercard_idtwo_factor_pin(optional)sub_typesend_email
HID H10301 (26-bit card)[0:255][0:65535][0000:9999]hid_h10301FALSE
HID H10302 (37-bit card)[0:34359738367][0000:9999]hid_h10302FALSE
HID H10304 (37-bit card)[0:65535][0:524287][0000:9999]hid_h10304FALSE
HID Seos (13.56 MHz)[0:65535][0:524287][0000:9999]hid_h10304FALSE
C15001 KeyScan (36-bit card)[0:1023][0:255][0:65535][0000:9999]keyscan_c15001FALSE
EM410x/TK410x (for 26-bit)[0:255][0:65535][0000:9999]em_410x_26FALSE
EM410x/TK410x (32/34-bit readers)[0:4294967295][0000:9999]em_410x_32_34FALSE
  • oem: The oem (original equipment manufacturer) number is a value assigned by the manufacturer.
  • facility_code: A specific code assigned to a group of keycards, identifying a particular building.
  • card_number: A unique code, assigned to one specific keycard.
  • card_id: A combination of the facility_code and the card_number.
  • two_factor_pin: A security code that is programmed onto a card and is used in conjunction with a two-factor enabled reader for enhanced security.
  • sub_type: The card type
  • send_email: If set to true, users will receive one email per card assigned to them.

Using third-party RFID cards with Allegion wireless locks

To use third-party RFID cards with Allegion wireless locks, simply enroll the card in the Kisi system. Once enrolled, it will automatically work with Allegion wireless locks without any additional setup.