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Kisi Teams allows admins to simplify the assignment of access rights by grouping users with similar roles and requirements. Teams enable users to be grouped together and assigned one or multiple access rights, such as door access via specific groups or access at the place or organization level.

By setting up SCIM provisioning for Teams, you can easily and securely streamline the assignment of administrator-level roles (e.g., organization, place, and group administrators or managers). Read more about SCIM provisioning.

Create a Team and assign access rights

Teams simplify the assignment of access rights by grouping users with similar roles and requirements. To manage access efficiently, administrators can create a Team and assign it specific permissions.

  1. Navigate to your organization dashboard and click on Teams
  2. Click Add Team
  3. Enter a name and description for your team
  4. Click Save
  5. On the Team details page, select the Access Rights tab
  6. Click Share access and select the Access rights this team members should have
  7. Click Save You can then proceed to add team members to the team or configure SCIM provisioning.

Manage Team members

  1. Navigate to the Team details page and scroll down to the Team Members table
  2. Add users to the team by clicking Add Users and entering one or more user emails. Note that you can only add users who have already been added to the dashboard
  3. To remove users from the team, select one or multiple users and click Delete

Once Team is created and permissions are assigned, it can be used across multiple groups or locations, streamlining access management, and also enable more flexible role assignment.